LISTER born in 1901 - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors |
Name | | SSN  | Date of birth | Date of death | Lived | State | Zip Code (Last Residence) | Zip Code (Lump Tax payment) |
EARL LISTER | | 462-18-3487 | December 18, 1901 | July 1, 1963 | 61 years | | | |
ALLEN LISTER | | 343-07-5835 | April 3, 1901 | April 1, 1966 | 64 years | | | |
KATHLEEN LISTER | | 452-12-1364 | October 21, 1901 | December 1, 1966 | 65 years | TX | 79079 (Shamrock, Wheeler County) | |
SAM LISTER | | 538-16-4140 | August 30, 1901 | July 1, 1968 | 66 years | | 98546 | |
ANNE LISTER | | 085-16-8954 | November 18, 1901 | October 1, 1972 | 70 years | | 11373 | |
CORA LISTER | | 550-32-9970 | May 1, 1901 | August 1, 1973 | 72 years | CA | 92630 (Lake Forest, Orange County) | |
MAMIE LISTER | | 262-56-3717 | February 10, 1901 | March 1, 1978 | 77 years | FL | | 32505 (Brent, Escambia County) |
CLARENCE LISTER | | 247-60-6875 | July 28, 1901 | March 1, 1981 | 79 years | SC | 29690 (Travelers Rest, Greenville County) | 29601 (Greenville, Greenville County) |
NINA LISTER | | 458-36-1826 | June 10, 1901 | July 1, 1981 | 80 years | TX | 78666 (San Marcos, Hays County) | 75972 (San Augustine, San Augustine County) |
ALTA LISTER | | 247-82-0457 | August 7, 1901 | December 1, 1983 | 82 years | SC | 29690 (Travelers Rest, Greenville County) | |
FRANCIS LISTER | | 085-16-5069 | July 14, 1901 | September 1, 1985 | 84 years | | 33557 | |
AILEEN LISTER | | 535-66-9829 | June 11, 1901 | October 1, 1985 | 84 years | | 98349 | |
LEONA LISTER | | 234-05-3299 | February 25, 1901 | January 1, 1986 | 84 years | WV | 25701 (Huntington, Cabell County) | |
MICHAEL LISTER | | 558-09-5997 | January 5, 1901 | May 1, 1986 | 85 years | CA | 95401 (Santa Rosa, Sonoma County) | |
EDNA LISTER | | 250-10-6880 | August 25, 1901 | June 1, 1986 | 84 years | SC | 29301 (Saxon, Spartanburg County) | |
CONDOR LISTER | | 400-16-7976 | September 14, 1901 | March 1, 1987 | 85 years | | 40464 | |
CATHERINE LISTER | | 012-07-8263 | October 28, 1901 | July 1, 1987 | 85 years | ME | 04530 (Bath, Sagadahoc County) | |
ALICE M LISTER | | 374-22-2178 | June 21, 1901 | February 3, 1989 | 87 years | FL | 34608 (Spring Hill, Alachua County) | |
RAYMOND LISTER | | 462-01-2905 | July 8, 1901 | June 3, 1989 | 87 years | TX | 75215 (Dallas, Dallas County) | |
LUCILOUS LISTER | | 462-12-0186 | April 4, 1901 | February 27, 1993 | 91 years | CA | 94117 (San Francisco, San Francisco County) | |
FLOSSIE LISTER | | 005-40-3325 | March 15, 1901 | August 1, 1993 | 92 years | ME | 04769 (Presque Isle, Aroostook County) | |
Death statistics by year for last name LISTER
Average age at death for last name LISTER
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Death statistics by state for last name LISTER
Last name popularity statistics for persons named LISTER per 10,000 residents in every state
First name popularity statistics for year 1990
- Popularity of last name LISTER in year 2000: 0.003% (7891 people). This puts this last name on the 4007th place on the most common names list in the USA
Based on public records. Inadvertent errors are possible. does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site. Use at your own risk.