ERTL: ANNA, JOHN, CLARA - Minnesota - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors
ERTL: ANNA, JOHN, CLARA - Minnesota - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors | ||||||||||
Name | SSN | Date of birth | Date of death | Lived | State | Zip Code (Last Residence) | Zip Code (Lump Tax payment) | |||
JOHN ERTL | 476-34-6028 | September 27, 1901 | July 1, 1966 | 64 years | MN | 56222 (Clara City, Chippewa County) | ||||
ALOYS ERTL | 476-60-8507 | January 4, 1877 | January 1, 1967 | 89 years | MN | 55353 (Kimball, Stearns County) | ||||
LOUIS ERTL | 474-07-4434 | February 16, 1902 | February 1, 1969 | 66 years | MN | 56001 (Mankato, Blue Earth County) | ||||
MATH ERTL | 477-40-7199 | September 14, 1893 | September 1, 1972 | 78 years | MN | 56379 (Sauk Rapids, Benton County) | ||||
JOHN ERTL | 471-03-0165 | March 2, 1900 | September 1, 1972 | 72 years | MN | 55369 (Osseo, Hennepin County) | ||||
CLAUDIA ERTL | 468-58-9778 | October 13, 1885 | April 1, 1974 | 88 years | MN | 55422 (Crystal, Hennepin County) | ||||
MATH ERTL | 470-28-3586 | July 8, 1920 | January 1, 1975 | 54 years | MN | 55329 (Eden Valley, Meeker County) | ||||
ROZELLA ERTL | 477-10-0789 | August 14, 1905 | September 1, 1977 | 72 years | MN | 56001 (Mankato, Blue Earth County) | ||||
THEODOR ERTL | 469-40-0811 | November 9, 1891 | December 1, 1979 | 88 years | MN | 55355 (Litchfield, Meeker County) | 55389 (Watkins, Meeker County) | |||
LOUIS ERTL | 472-30-8123 | December 16, 1925 | January 1, 1980 | 54 years | MN | 56377 (Sartell, Stearns County) | ||||
ANDREW ERTL | 476-36-5685 | April 15, 1911 | May 1, 1981 | 70 years | MN | 55430 (Brooklyn Center, Hennepin County) | ||||
MARY ERTL | 469-62-4649 | April 26, 1894 | December 1, 1981 | 87 years | MN | 55360 (Mayer, Carver County) | ||||
ANNA ERTL | 476-52-3919 | January 24, 1904 | February 1, 1982 | 78 years | MN | 55389 (Watkins, Meeker County) | ||||
MICHAEL ERTL | 470-32-1623 | June 4, 1897 | July 1, 1982 | 85 years | MN | 55360 (Mayer, Carver County) | ||||
KATHARINE ERTL | 475-42-5574 | March 20, 1895 | August 1, 1984 | 89 years | MN | 55389 (Watkins, Meeker County) | ||||
GLADYS ERTL | 475-36-8405 | April 23, 1907 | January 1, 1985 | 77 years | MN | 56285 (Sacred Heart, Renville County) | ||||
GEORGE ERTL | 473-07-3519 | November 6, 1895 | April 1, 1985 | 89 years | MN | 56378 (Sauk Centre, Stearns County) | ||||
CLARA ERTL | 468-72-7881 | December 20, 1909 | December 1, 1985 | 75 years | MN | 55430 (Brooklyn Center, Hennepin County) | ||||
WILLIAM ERTL | 471-10-7488 | October 27, 1897 | December 1, 1985 | 88 years | MN | 56082 (St. Peter, Nicollet County) | ||||
WILFRED ERTL | 476-26-4800 | June 13, 1918 | May 1, 1986 | 67 years | MN | 55389 (Watkins, Meeker County) | ||||
MARIAN ERTL | 470-26-2575 | January 12, 1927 | April 1, 1987 | 60 years | MN | 55427 (Minneapolis, Hennepin County) | ||||
ROMUALD J ERTL | 469-42-3015 | March 10, 1920 | October 9, 1987 | 67 years | MN | 55367 (New Germany, Carver County) | ||||
CLARA C ERTL | 477-07-6231 | April 30, 1899 | October 24, 1987 | 88 years | MN | 56082 (St. Peter, Nicollet County) | ||||
DOROTHY L ERTL | 476-05-0555 | June 21, 1904 | November 17, 1990 | 86 years | MN | 55412 (Minneapolis, Hennepin County) | ||||
LUCILLE ERTL | 472-28-5029 | December 7, 1920 | September 7, 1992 | 71 years | MN | 55389 (Watkins, Meeker County) | ||||
LORETTA L ERTL | 472-80-9100 | May 22, 1917 | January 19, 1993 | 75 years | MN | 55389 (Watkins, Meeker County) | ||||
SYLVESTER J ERTL | 470-38-5869 | July 31, 1935 | May 19, 1995 | 59 years | MN | 56368 (Richmond, Stearns County) | ||||
ANNA E ERTL | 470-16-9020 | June 23, 1907 | August 21, 1996 | 89 years | MN | 56378 (Sauk Centre, Stearns County) | ||||
ALPHONSE J ERTL | 568-20-0456 | May 6, 1920 | November 18, 1997 | 77 years | MN | 55389 (Watkins, Meeker County) | ||||
R M ERTL | 468-42-0049 | May 8, 1939 | February 2, 2002 | 62 years | MN | 56442 (Crosslake) | ||||
BERKLEY O ERTL | 468-03-0244 | January 11, 1912 | March 25, 2002 | 90 years | MN | 55422 (Crystal, Hennepin County) | ||||
MARY J ERTL | 391-24-6337 | September 30, 1925 | February 23, 2004 | 78 years | MN | 55389 (Watkins, Meeker County) | ||||
ARLYS ERTL | 477-16-1736 | August 31, 1922 | February 6, 2005 | 82 years | MN | 55367 (New Germany, Carver County) | ||||
RICHARD CHARLES ERTL | 471-14-4255 | February 10, 1919 | March 13, 2005 | 86 years | MN | 55422 (Crystal, Hennepin County) | ||||
GREGORY NICHOLAS ERTL | 472-20-1547 | May 9, 1915 | April 8, 2005 | 89 years | MN | 55389 (Watkins, Meeker County) | ||||
MARION ELIZABETH ERTL | 394-26-8834 | January 28, 1928 | June 30, 2005 | 77 years | MN | 55432 (Fridley, Anoka County) | ||||
RAYMOND FRANK ERTL | 474-30-9814 | October 10, 1922 | July 1, 2005 | 82 years | MN | 56303 (St. Cloud, Stearns County) | ||||
EVELYN BERNICE ERTL | 303-26-3987 | January 18, 1911 | September 2, 2005 | 94 years | MN | 55118 (Lilydale, Dakota County) | ||||
BETTY R ERTL | 475-28-6516 | July 10, 1928 | September 10, 2005 | 77 years | MN | 55389 (Watkins, Meeker County) | ||||
DONNA ERTL | 468-58-9405 | June 24, 1947 | March 11, 2006 | 58 years | MN | 55443 (Brooklyn Park, Hennepin County) | ||||
ELLEN CHRISTINE ERTL | 477-07-3740 | May 18, 1907 | May 3, 2007 | 99 years | MN | 56303 (St. Cloud, Stearns County) | ||||
JOSEPHINE C ERTL | 471-48-2330 | February 17, 1937 | June 10, 2007 | 70 years | MN | 56320 (Cold Spring, Stearns County) | 56368 (Richmond, Stearns County) | |||
EDWINA GRACE ERTL | 473-20-8888 | September 29, 1918 | June 11, 2008 | 89 years | MN | 55421 (Columbia Heights, Anoka County) | ||||
FRANCIS MATH ERTL | 472-20-1548 | February 19, 1922 | June 27, 2008 | 86 years | MN | 56387 (Waite Park, Stearns County) | ||||
JOAN BARBARA ERTL | 468-44-7673 | May 15, 1940 | April 21, 2009 | 68 years | MN | 55012 (Center City, Chisago County) |
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- Popularity of last name ERTL in year 2000: 0.001% (1100 people). This puts this last name on the 17365th place on the most common names list in the USA
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