ARTILLA : REED, FISCHER, MAHEEN - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors
ARTILLA : REED, FISCHER, MAHEEN - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors | ||||||||||
Name | SSN | Date of birth | Date of death | Lived | State | Zip Code (Last Residence) | Zip Code (Lump Tax payment) | |||
ARTILLA DIBRELL | 432-10-3108 | January 5, 1898 | January 1, 1970 | 71 years | AR | 72956 (Van Buren, Crawford County) | ||||
ARTILLA KLINE | 469-18-3339 | June 5, 1910 | March 1, 1972 | 61 years | MN | 55303 (Anoka, Anoka County) | ||||
ARTILLA E HILL | 447-50-0070 | October 5, 1882 | June 15, 1972 | 89 years | OK | 74953 (Poteau, Le Flore County) | ||||
ARTILLA MAHEEN | 184-30-8943 | July 28, 1890 | October 1, 1977 | 87 years | PA | 16030 (Eau Claire, Butler County) | 15147 (Verona, Allegheny County) | |||
ARTILLA BLACK | 268-44-9584 | June 2, 1895 | March 1, 1978 | 82 years | OH | 45656 (Oak Hill, Jackson County) | ||||
ARTILLA ROBERTSON | 520-34-3705 | September 3, 1914 | December 1, 1978 | 64 years | CA | 95691 (West Sacramento, Yolo County) | ||||
ARTILLA LANE | 384-62-1939 | September 22, 1886 | October 1, 1979 | 93 years | MI | 48202 (Detroit, Wayne County) | ||||
ARTILLA WATSON | 437-26-6663 | June 18, 1920 | February 1, 1980 | 59 years | CA | 94607 (Oakland, Alameda County) | 94621 (Oakland, Alameda County) | |||
ARTILLA YON | 266-62-4442 | March 3, 1927 | April 1, 1980 | 53 years | FL | 32442 (Grand Ridge, Jackson County) | 32442 (Grand Ridge, Jackson County) | |||
ARTILLA PARSONS | 560-36-9288 | November 22, 1900 | June 1, 1980 | 79 years | ID | 83332 (Hagerman, Gooding County) | ||||
ARTILLA NELSON | 463-05-5063 | February 16, 1898 | July 1, 1982 | 84 years | TX | 79065 (Pampa, Gray County) | ||||
ARTILLA REED | 445-09-5361 | February 16, 1910 | July 1, 1984 | 74 years | VA | 22153 (Springfield, Rockbridge County) | ||||
ARTILLA HUNIGAN | 445-12-7053 | November 9, 1918 | August 1, 1984 | 65 years | OK | 74956 (Shady Point, Le Flore County) | ||||
ARTILLA MASSEY | 364-16-3159 | February 4, 1914 | May 1, 1985 | 71 years | MI | 48202 (Detroit, Wayne County) | ||||
ARTILLA FISCHER | 492-20-4194 | November 30, 1908 | November 1, 1985 | 76 years | MO | 63131 (Crystal Lake Park, St. Louis County) | ||||
ARTILLA M FLEMISTER | 285-34-2856 | January 24, 1907 | December 31, 1989 | 82 years | OH | 43203 (Columbus, Franklin County) | ||||
ARTILLA MACK | 440-24-3236 | April 4, 1918 | July 27, 1994 | 76 years | OK | 74106 (Tulsa, Tulsa County) | ||||
ARTILLA E ERICKSON | 473-32-6388 | July 18, 1906 | December 1, 1995 | 89 years | MN | 56433 (Akeley, Hubbard County) | ||||
ARTILLA J ESTERS | 081-24-4532 | July 10, 1907 | March 25, 1998 | 90 years | OH | 44118 (Cleveland, Cuyahoga County) | ||||
ARTILLA JONES | 453-30-4710 | June 18, 1900 | December 4, 1999 | 99 years | TX | 77013 (Houston, Harris County) | ||||
ARTILLA M BINGHAM | 451-50-1687 | October 1, 1913 | December 30, 2000 | 87 years | TX | 78853 (Eagle Pass, Maverick County) | ||||
ARTILLA M ZIEMAN | 364-28-8844 | November 4, 1920 | March 10, 2002 | 81 years | MI | 48005 (Armada, Macomb County) | ||||
ARTILLA TURNBOUGH | 425-54-9341 | June 14, 1910 | March 26, 2003 | 92 years | CA | 90061 (Los Angeles, Los Angeles County) | ||||
ARTILLA GRACE LEISGE | 547-18-1934 | October 24, 1918 | January 30, 2009 | 90 years | 91040 |
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- Popularity of last name DIBRELL in year 2000: 0.001% (328 people). This puts this last name on the 47682nd place on the most common names list in the USA
- Other people with last name ESTERS:
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